
Cloud and Virtualization

Virtualization is part of an overall trend in enterprise IT that includes autonomic computing. Traditionally, computer hardware has been designed to run a single operating system and a single application, leaving most machines vastly underutilized. Virtualization enables multiple virtual machines to run on one physical machine, with each virtual machine sharing the resources of the single computer. t.


Virtualization Solutions

Vidyo Technologies’s VMware consultants have developed industry standard solution packages that provide the highest value in a compressed timeframe. By leveraging the process, materials, and best practices developed across numerous customer engagements, Vidyo Technologies can provide you with reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions.

Prepackaged Consulting and deployment offerings

Server Consolidation

The solution is designed to our customers by understanding the individual requirements and process involved in migrating and consolidating physical machines into a consolidated virtual machine environment. As an experienced VMware consulting firm, we work with the customer to analyze their existing environment and make recommendations as to what the target environment should look like. Included will be an analysis of the TCO associated with the project and server sizing requirements.

SMB Jump Start for VMware vSphere

The objective of this solution is to get our customers up and running on VMware vSphere environment, Vidyo Technologies’s VMware consultants work with our customers to install and configure this highly scalable Virtualization platform so that our customers can take full advantage of this product’s advanced resource management capabilities to guarantee service levels. This packaged solution helps customers maximize their time and resources by helping them quickly understand and utilize the special capabilities of vCenter. Customers will obtain effective knowledge transfer by walking through an installation and getting vCenter working in their own environment. By leveraging the experience of Vidyo Technologies’s VMware Professional Services, customers will be more expedient and successful in their vCenter deployment

P2V and V2V Conversion and Migration

Using customized tools, Vidyo Technologies’s VMware consultants will assist in importing the workloads of your physical servers into virtual machines. Migrations are ideal for customers involved in server consolidation or legacy migration projects. They help reduce the complexity, risk, and downtime typically associated with these kinds of projects, by eliminating the need to re-install software and configure complex application environments. P2V migrations accelerate customers ROI in Virtualization environment.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery is critical in all environments where important corporate information is managed and stored. This solution is designed to help our customers to implement a robust disaster recovery and backup solution using the best of breed products from the market. Included will be training, best practices, knowledge transfer and integration to existing backup solutions.


With software vendors tending more and more towards delivering their products preinstalled in virtual machines (also known as virtual appliances), much of the traditional installation and configuration work associated with software will disappear.

Implementing virtualization services reduces the number of servers you have to run, which is a direct saving on hardware costs and also on the total amount of energy needed to run hardware and provide cooling. It’s good for the environment. Your system administrators would not have to support so many machines and could then move from firefighting mode to more strategic administration tasks.