
Mobile Application Development

Going Mobile? We design advanced mobile solutions for business, communication, social networking and entertainment.

We specialize in mobile clients to web services and web portals
We develop autonomous mobile applications
We build end-to-end mobility solutions
Our technology competency covers iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. We are proficient in Mobile Web with a specific focus on HTML5 solutions.

Mobile App + Web Service in Back End

Rising Functionality and Data to Mobile Devices

Vidyo Technologieshelps businesses establish mobile access to functionality and data provided by their back-end software. We deliver native mobile applications seamlessly connected to an online service, corporate business application or informational online resource.

Our mobile experience allows completing the objectives in a range of domains working with various data / content types and their combinations:

Business data
Media content
Financial data
Geographical positioning data
Data obtained from hardware devices

We generally outline two major business models related to a mobile client-service solution. The distinction is made depending on what is in the center from the user’s perspective.

Extending User Experience and Service Access by Providing Mobile Client

Generally, a mobile client is the continuation of an existing proven online service or a corporate business application. It is aimed at adding value by improving user experience and availability options. The objectives are clear ― to create a competitive advantage for an e business web application or increase field operations’ efficiency for an enterprise mobility solution.

To succeed in this model the developer has to be very agile in understanding business priorities and logic and, from the technology perspective, experienced in application integration and data interchange.

Building End-to-end Solutions

Aligned Around Mobile Functionality

Fast-moving mobile technologies offer new opportunities and inspire innovative thinking. As opposed to the other model, here the main business value is delivered by the mobile solution itself, while a web service operating in the background is almost invisible to the user.

This actually means that the idea of a mobile app comes first but the implementation requires efforts not just to develop the mobile app but rather to design a seamless end-to-end solution that would include custom web service development, third-party software integration and innovative engineering.

We support both of the described models. Our experience in mobile development is supplemented with solid skills in web application development and application integration, andwide business expertise.

Online Services

Vidyo Technologies creates native mobile applications seamlessly integrated with web services or informational online resources. Our experience covers:

Social Media
Media Content Distribution
Financial Services
Online Games and Gambling

Innovative Mobile-centric Solutions

Vidyo Technologies helps both established businesses and ambitious startups uncover the benefits of new mobile user experience.

Social Commerce
Augmented Reality
Advanced Graphics Processing
Location-based Apps
Cloud Computing in Back-end

Corporate Business Applications

Vidyo Technologies designs enterprise mobility solutions supporting corporate software: Accounting, CRM, Business Intelligence, ECM, Inventory Management etc.

Electronic Forms and Catalogs
Barcodes processing & RFID support
Data Visualization
Task Management
Digital Assets Management

From Proof of Concept to Live Software

Vidyo Technologies’s full cycle services obtain real significance when talking about an innovative project. We offer a smart approach from the very early stages to mitigate risks and boost the development process.

Strategic Technology Consulting
Consistent Architecture Design
In-depth Mobile App Prototyping
Prototype Usability Testing

Mobile Web

What We Do

Here at Vidyo Technologies we offer two types of services for those who look for fast and cost-effective presentation on mobile devices.
1. Designing and optimizing websites for mobile browsing
2. Mobile HTML5 applications with native-like user experience
Our customers always benefit from Vidyo Technologies’s advanced web development experience.

Mobile Web Pros …

The true advantage of mobile web is its natural cross platform compatibility. This reduces costs for development of multiple mobile platforms on mobile front end significantly. Mobile web keeps all the benefits the web technology has comparing to fat client-server architecture.

In most cases no mobile download / installation is required
Easier to maintain, improve and update ― updates are immediately effective on the user’s side
Supported on the absolute majority of smartphone devices
In our practice a mobile web solution is often ordered complementary to an iOS native app (targeting two specific devices ― iPhone/iPad) to support a variety of
Mobile web is a perfect solution for online information resources such as news portals where simple navigation and one-way data flow (source to user) prevail.
… and Cons

The major concern associated when talking about choosing mobile web is that you can miss the user experience provided by the device for native apps ― touch and slide navigation experience, feedback mechanics like vibration and sounds, gyroscope physics, etc.

To overcome (at least partially) this challenge Vidyo Technologies delivers rich HTML5 mobile solutions including location based apps and solutions supporting offline mode.

Share your objectives with us ― and we will invent, design and launch the right solution for your specific situation.

Autonomous Mobile Applications

Defining Autonomous App

By autonomous applications we mean applications that themselves encapsulate the main business logic and functionality. Apps may communicate with a web server to exchange portions of data or with an app store to get updates but the kernel functionality is executed right on the mobile device. Good examples of such apps are offline games, compact business apps, mobile gadgets and utilities, etc.


Our experience in developing autonomous mobile applications allows overcoming mobile development challenges such as screen resolution, hardware performance limitations and device diversity. We designed feature-rich mobile apps in a variety of domains:

Augmented Reality
Advertising Games
Task Management
Mobile Utilities

Product Development Outsourcing

Vidyo Technologies offers you a transparent approach to product development which is different from custom development in scheduling and delivery management. A mobile product that you will sell or leverage as an additional competitive advantage will take the most of our project management, development and quality assurance processes.

Quick Technology Overview

For more details about our mobile technology skills explore this section.

Android Technologies:

Android SDK; Android Native Development Kit (NDK); Android DT (ADT)
Languages: Java; C/C++; XML Tools: Eclipse

iOS Tools

Xcode Technologies: iPhone SDK; Cocoa Touch;
Languages: Objective-C;

Windows Phone Technologies:

.NET Compact Framework
Languages: C++; C#; Visual Basic Tools: MS Visual Studio

BlackBerry Technologies:

Java ME; BlackBerry SDK; Languages: Java Tools: BlackBerry Java DE; Eclipse;
BlackBerry Theme Studio

Mobile Web Technologies:

ASP.NET; Java; PHP; Ruby on Rails; AJAX; Flash; Silverlight;
Languages: HTML5 / CSS; JavaScript; C#; PHP; Ruby;
Tools: Adobe Dreamweaver; Microsoft Visual Studio; Eclipse; Idea; RubyMind; Adobe Flash;